Our products

Our product vision entails combining an AI-powered software solution with IoT sensors to revolutionize urban mobility and parking. By harnessing the power of our proprietary data set, we provide clients with actionable insights for a seamless transition towards a smart city. Our solution optimizes traffic flow, parking utilization, and reduces congestion, leading to enhanced urban mobility. Through real-time data analysis, we enable informed decision-making, efficient resource allocation, and sustainable transportation solutions.

By leveraging cutting-edge technology, we empower cities to become smarter, more connected, and environmentally friendly, paving the way for a future where urban areas are transformed into vibrant and efficient smart cities.

Our product suite



Mimer is our insights platform for cities and governments. The platform supports a variety of established mobility APIs including our own sensor APIs enabling cities to obtain real time mobility and parking information as well as actionable insights on a daily basis supporting the city in parking planning, enforcement and traffic optimisation.


Street smart

Street smart is our first market-ready sensor we have deployed at scale. The IoT-sensor utilises LoRaWan to ensure high-volume real time data transmission to our industry cloud providing real-time data on off- and on-street parking bays. The sensor is IP68 and IPX9k certified.

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How can we be of help?
Let us help you in your transition to become a smarter city using our proprietary sensors for mobility, citizen movement and logistics.
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